CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions of Federal Government: Tokens quarterly or annual subvention from Federal Government is not forthcoming for several years now. However, the Education Tax Fund (ETF) has recently completed some abandoned ongoing building projects in the school comprising two blocks of three classrooms each, one two-bedroom staff accommodation and a multi-purpose hall. Contributions of Kogi State Government: The state government through Teaching Service Commission (TSC) pays monthly salaries to the fourteen non-teaching staff and thirteen of the twenty-three teachers. Contributions of Local Government: Dekina Local Government Education Authority (LGEA) pays monthly salaries to eight of the ten teachers. Contributions of Non-governmental Organizations- The Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) provided initial staffing for the take-off of the institution. TEAR Fund U.K. also provided feeding for the Up-keep of the institution but stopped over a decade ago. The CMML Mission is burdened with day-to-day running of the institution, payments of monthly allowances to two teachers, sinking of deep wells on the school compound; provision of computer program for staff empowerment to be computer literate.
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